Lyric Jumper is a lyrics search tool developed through collaborative research between SyncPower Corporation and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
Lyric Jumper analyzes a portion of the lyrics data of "PetitLyrics," a lyrics delivery service operated by SyncPower. The analysis uses lyrics topic analysis technology developed by AIST.
We will continue to improve the functions of Lyric Jumper. We are developing a practical application, namely, a recommendation engine for lyrics, by applying the topic analysis technology.
Lyrics topic analysis technology This technology developed by AIST automatically estimates topics by analyzing words that appear in lyrics. It analyzes large-scale lyrics data by using a structure of three layers: artists, lyrics, and words. The number of topics can be freely set; in the case of Lyric Jumper, it was set to 20 for Japanese lyrics and 10 for English lyrics. Each topic is defined as a probability distribution that represents the bias of the words used in the lyrics. By incorporating the tendencies of the entire set of lyrics data, a group of topics is automatically determined to express the different tendencies clearly. Then, a topic is assigned to each lyric. In Lyric Jumper, the topic names are manually labeled. For example, for topics with a high probability of the words "love," "never," and "heart" occurring in English lyrics, the topic name "Eternal Love" is assigned.
The Lyric Jumper tool and lyrics topic analysis technology were developed by AIST as part of the research project "Building Foundations and Developing Applications for Next-Generation Media Content Ecosystem Technologies" funded by the JST ACCEL program.
Technical development members
Kosetsu Tsukuda (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology): lyrics topic analysis technology
Keisuke Ishida (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology): interface design, front end, and back end
Masataka Goto (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology): total production and technology policy development
Development history
March 1, 2021 Lyric Jumper for English Lyrics published (Press Release: SyncPower).
Feb 21, 2017 Lyric Jumper published (Press Release: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, SyncPower, and Japan Science and Technology Agency).